A Monday Morning Thought: Be a World Changer

This past Sunday I preached from Acts 4 and spoke about “A Wasted Life.” One of the life principles I gave was: “The way you change the world is to find something you would die for and then start living for it.” I closed with this illustration:

Wegmans knows how to do bathrooms! They have “nice, caring, and thoughtful” written all over them. They embrace you when you walk in them.

Years ago we decided to renovate the bathrooms at Crossroads. I met with our workers and said to them, “We need to have bathrooms like Wegmans.” 

We finished them, and they were “nice, caring, and thoughtful” just like Wegmans’ bathrooms, but I noticed that there was no place in the men’s bathroom to change diapers. We didn’t have a diaper changing table. Wegmans has one; I went there and checked it outThey even have a cabinet on the wall with all the supplies to change diapers. So we hung a diaper changing table and I built a cabinet similar to theirs. I put a lot of thought and time into it. It was simple, but it said, “nice, caring and thoughtful.

When I was hanging the cabinet, a thought came to my mind, “The man who changes diapers changes the world…” So I had the church secretary make up a small laminated sign with those words on it and place in on the shelf of the diaper cabinet. It sits there today, surrounded by all the supplies you need to change a diaper.

Think about it. Lots of great things happen when you change a diaper and look a child in the eye, loving them unconditionally, dirty diaper and all.

That’s what Jesus did for you. He changed your dirty diapers, one day at a time. Then He said; “Now you do the same; you go and change diapers. Clean up some one’s mess and love them unconditionally in my Name. Go and change the world, one diaper at a time. Believe in Me and be a world changer.”

You don’t have to physically die to be a world changer. You just have to die to yourself and believe in something bigger than you! Bigger than this life; bigger than your happiness; bigger than your failures; bigger than your dreams. And then start living for it. You haven’t even begun to imagine what God has in store for you. Your life will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last. That will be your legacy.


Pastor Pat


To provide an environment where each individual can reach their fullest potential in Christ through discipleship, experience, and service.

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