Upcoming at Crossroads
Join us for a Worship Night on Friday, September 13th from 7pm – 8:30pm. This will be an informal evening to come and seek the Holy Spirit with songs of praise and worship, prayer, and quiet time with God. All ages are welcome (no childcare). We will gather “under the tent” if weather permits, otherwise we will move indoors to the Youth Sanctuary.
Crossroads’ Flagship Discipleship Program (The Journey) begins soon! Developed by Crossroads, the Journey is designed to release you to reach your full potential and passion as you serve Christ at Crossroads and in your communities. You are invited to take the Journey and discover God’s great purpose and plan for you! For info on each of the 4 courses, visit eacrossroads.com/journey. Sign up online or on the Sunday Bulletin Communication Card.
Shuki Cohen, an Israeli tour guide and researcher with whom a number of us have toured Israel with, will be coming to Crossroads Wednesday September 18th at 6:30 “under the tent”. He will be sharing on the current situation in Israel/Gaza through the eyes of someone who lives there, a “virtual tour” through many ancient historical/spiritual sites and scenery and their connection to the present day, why Israel should be on everyone’s “bucket list” as well as a Q&A. Please CLICK HERE to RSVP.
Ladies are cordially invited to our Lightkeepers Open House event on Thursday, September 19th at Crossroads. Join us between 6pm-8pm for fellowship and to learn more about our different ministries, events and the women leading them. No RSVP required.
Guardian’s Men’s Ministry at Crossroads is hosting a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, September 21st from 8am-10am in the Youth Sanctuary. Men can RSVP HERE or on the Sunday Bulletin Communication Card. Men do not need to be participating in the Boots on the Ground program to attend the Breakfast.
Save the date! Our Annual Fall Harvest Fest is coming to the Crossroads campus on Saturday, September 28th from 12:30pm-3:30pm. We will be needing lots of volunteers to help with this community-wide afternoon of fun for the whole family. CLICK HERE for Volunteer Info. Candy donations can be dropped off in the foyer.
If you are new to Crossroads, our leaders would like to invite you to a casual gathering to get acquainted on Sunday, October 6th from 5pm-7pm at Crossroads. This is an opportunity to meet with some of our leaders and connect with others who are searching for a church home. A light meal served and childcare provided on request. Kindly RSVP by September 29th HERE or to Freeda Dickhut.