Our Team

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the Church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.


Pat Kleitz

Senior Pastor

Alberto Lanzot

Assistant Pastor

Mary Achkar


Anna Barrett

CR Assist Director

Jamie Benedyk

CR Assist & Sprouts Coordinator

Celeste Brooks

Volunteer Coordinator
Church Operations Manager

Jeff Dickhut

Freeda Dickhut

Connect Ministry Coordinator

Lindsay Engasser

Sprouts Preschool Director

Amanda Gauthier

Church Secretary

Scott Hager

Sound & Technology Engineer

Sarah Hager

Worship & Creative Arts Coordinator

Kathy Kleckner

Special Events Coordinator

Dorald Kleitz

6th-8th Grade Coordinator

Janice Mertzlufft

Graphic Design & Admin Assistant

Erin Popek

Social Media & Childcare Coordinator

Emily Rangel

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Lisa Zannin

To provide an environment where each individual can reach their fullest potential in Christ through discipleship, experience, and service.

Contact Details:

Services Times:

Sundays 9am and 10:30am (Sep-May)

Sundays 10:15am (Jun-Aug)

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