Quarks Are Small But Powerful
Consist (Dictionary): Conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize. Consist (Bible): To place together, commend, prove, exhibit; I stand with; to be composed of, cohere. Mankind
Christian Church
Consist (Dictionary): Conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize. Consist (Bible): To place together, commend, prove, exhibit; I stand with; to be composed of, cohere. Mankind
Accomplish (Dictionary): To succeed in completing, to carry out a plan or a promise. Accomplish (Bible): Do or make; come to an end; complete; to
Time (Dictionary): The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues, duration, a nonspatial continuum that is measured in
Compromise (Dictionary): To come to terms about; to place into danger; to settle a quarrel by agreeing that each will give up a part of
Time (Dictionary): The measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues; the point or period when something occurs. Time
Know (Dictionary): To perceive directly; have direct cognition of; to recognize as being the same as something previously known; to have a practical understanding of. Know (Bible):
Trust (Dictionary): Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something, one in which confidence is placed. Trust (Bible): Confidence, hope,
Repeat (Dictionary):To do or make again, to say again, to say over, recite. Repeat (Bible):To repeat, do again, to speak. The Apostle Peter seemed to
Worry (Dictionary): To feel anxious; an uneasy state of mind; trouble or vexed. Worry (Bible): Care; anxiety; to fear. As Christians, one of our goals
Power (Dictionary): Strength, or might; the ability to do or act; authority or influence. Power (Bible): Strength; power; miraculous power. Luke 5: 16-17 16But Jesus Himself
Sundays 9am and 10:30am (Sep-May)
Sundays 10:15am (Jun-Aug)