Some of you may not know what a “Cheektowaga Garage” is. It’s a garage with a carpet on the floor (that’s essential), comfortable chairs to sit on, bikes and toys scattered everywhere, and two pink flamingos gracing the outside. I’m good with that, except for the pink flamingos. That’s a story for another time.
Almost every morning I sit in my “Cheektowaga Garage” (with Cooper and no flamingos ) enjoying the sunrise. It’s quiet and reminds me of all the activity of the past day. Family is such a key part of my life. I can see the church from here, and yesterday the big tent went up. Sitting underneath it is a new, small tent waiting to go up as well.
I love the idea that soon we will be outside on Sunday morning enjoying the summer together with pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, Ben’s fried food, the men’s “Meat & Greet,” our annual summer picnic, a “Cruse Night,” kids on the playground, and Mary Ann Kroecker planting flowers by the dozens.
It’s a “slice of heaven on earth,” and I’m sure it tickles the cockles of the Father’s heart when His children enjoy being together.
Back to my garage…In my garage there’s a large model airplane (pictured above) that Marty Ruhland built years ago and is no longer flying. It’s a gas model wooden plane, with all of the electronic remote control equipment to fly it. My grandchildren saw the plane, and their expression said it all.
“Can we fly it, Pop Pop?”
“Sure,” I said, “absolutely we can!”
“Where?” they asked?
“In the church parking lot!” I responded.
“OK, but when?” They were ready to go!
Here’s the problem with this conversation …I have no idea how to fly one of those planes. It takes a mechanic like Ben Powis, an electronic wizard like Bill Marshall, and a doctor watching over us to patch up the fingers from a high speed propeller that makes a ton of noise! Well, guess what I found? All of those men, with the exception of the doctor, wrapped up in one man, Paul Kowalczyk. He and his wife are new at Crossroads, but I remember seeing a photo of him with a huge biplane that he and his father built and flew. I asked him to help, and he’s offered to get our plane going and train us how to fly it.
Crazy, huh? Don’t you love it? Family, friends, gifting, talents and a servant heart. I love the church…I really love the church! We have so much to offer one another.
This Sunday is Father’s Day, and I will be continuing the series on parenting with an amazing teaching,“Dads, Delight in Your Children.”
Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
17 For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty Savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With His love, He will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Next week, Wednesday, June 21st, from 5:30-8pm, Ben will be cooking chicken, pork, beef, hot-dogs, and our ladies will be serving homemade summer salads at our annual “Men’s Meat & Greet” under the big tent. On Sunday morning, June 25th, we will be outside under the tent with Pastor Francis Macharia, from Kenya, Africa as our guest speaker. After the service there will be PIZZA with all kinds of stuff on it that’s not particularly healthy, but fun to eat. So make plans to enjoy the summer together with a FATHER who “delights in you with gladness”… especially as we delight in one another.
Love and blessings,
Pastor Pat